Current Activation Level:
As of 8/18/2020 16:00
Updated 8/18/2020 16:00
Expires 8/18/2020 18:30
This Activation Level has expired. Visit the main page for a current status
In response to a Evacuations due to wildfire, issued on 8/18/2020
ACCERT has been Deployed to assist Napa CART with animal rescue. This activation takes priority over the ongoing COVID-19 SELECTIVE DEPLOY status.
Our Rally point is 1200 Foster Rd, Napa, CA 94558. Proceed to lower arena area adjacent to lower barn and make contact with your team leader.
Deployment is authorized for ALL CERT volunteers to proceed without delay to their normal rally point or other area as designated by the Napa County OES or team leader. The team leader will notify all CERT volunteers to deploy and provide a status report of member’s availability back to the appropriate contact or notifying official as soon as possible. Once the team is operational and on-scene, the team leader will notify the appropriate contact or notifying official with an updated status and await further instructions.
ACCERT continues to remain on SELECTIVE DEPLOY In response to the ongoing situation involving the Coronavirus outbreak.
More information for Activation Levels can be found here