Activation Level: Alert

Activation Level:


As of 9/6/2020 17:00
Updated 9/6/2020 17:00
Expires 9/9/2020 08:00

In response to a Red Flag Warning and PSPS Watch issued on 9/6/2020

This Activation Level has expired. Visit the main page for a current status

ACCERT has been placed on ALERT status due to a Red Flag Warning and PSPS Watch issued in Napa County. This alert takes priority over the ongoing COVID-19 SELECTIVE DEPLOY status.

A Red Flag Warning means that weather conditions are occurring or will occur that can contribute to extreme fire behavior. Any fires that develop have potential to spread rapidly.

A PSPS Watch means PG&E is monitoring the weather and the current forecast indicates power may be turned off for safety in the next 1-2 days.

This level requires no immediate response action by CERT volunteers. This is an advisory that CERT team leaders have been notified of an emergency management activity which may require CERT assistance during a crisis. We will not have a mission at this level, but you should have your equipment (PPE) ready.  

Typical wildfire missions ACCERT may be tasked with include traffic control, communications, evacuation assistance and/or shelter operations. Power loss missions may include traffic control or welfare checks.

ACCERT continues to remain on SELECTIVE DEPLOY In response to the ongoing situation involving the Coronavirus outbreak.

More information for Activation Levels can be found here.

1 thought on “Activation Level: Alert”

  1. The ISO declares Stage 2 Emergency; power outages expected (This is not related to the PSPS)

    The California Independent System Operator (ISO) declared a statewide Stage 2 Emergency at 5:55 p.m. today, due to excessive heat driving up electricity use and putting strain on the grid.

    The ISO called the emergency after a transmission line carrying power from Oregon to California and another in-state power plant went offline unexpectedly. The cause of the outages is unknown at this time.

    The emergency declaration allows the grid operator to use reserve power and to tap into emergency assistance from neighboring balancing authorities. During this emergency, if system conditions do not improve, the ISO may declare a Stage 3 Emergency, which will lead to rotating power outages.

    Stage 2 Emergency:
    Flex Alert:

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